
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Contoh soal ujian essay mid semester 1 kelas 11 bahasa Inggris

1. Make an informal invitation to your friend?

Hai guys,
I would like to invite you to a dinner party.
This party is held for my college graduation celebration.
The party will be on Saturday at 19.00,
on August 21st, 2015 at my house.
I hope you can join me, I will be very happy
to celebrate my graduation day with you all.
Thank you.

2. What do you think about your school? Give your opinion at least one paragraf?
This classroom feels very narrow
My school is the best school in the city
the number of students enrolling in the school has declined
studying at school is boring
the learning atmosphere will be more fun if the teacher who teaches is friendly and pleasant
Flag ceremonies do not have to be done every day at school
Break time is the most awaited thing for all students

3. What are the different between formal and informal invitation?

An informal invitation. An informal invitation or non-formal invite can take on many different forms and it does not require all the pomp and ceremonyof a formal invitation. The important thing to include in non-formal invitations is: The sender or event organizer.

4. Give examples of giving advice to your friend?

You should have come to my party if you want to see her. (kamu seharusnya sudah datang ke pestaku jika ingin melihat dia)
 I should stay for long time to see Anna. (aku seharusnya tinggal lebih lama untuk melihat Anna)
 She shouldn’t wait him because he has left her since two minutes before. (dia seharusnya tidak menunggu dia karena dia telah meninggalkannya sejak dua menit yang lalu)

5. Make a simple conversation about inviting someone!

Priti: "Hello."

Priya: "Hello, may I know who is speaking."

Priti: "I am Priti. Please may I speak to Priya."

Priya: "O, it's so nice to hear from you."

Priti: "How are you?"

Priya: "I am fine, how about you?"

Priti: "Day after tomorrow is my birthday. Please do
come for the party."

Priya: "O that's wonderful. I'd love to be there."

Priti: "Please bring your younger sister also."

Priya: "What time is the party?"

Priti: "It starts at 6:00 o'clock in the evening."

Priya: "I will surely come. Thanks for calling."

Priti: "Looking forward to meeting you. Bye."

Priya: "Bye."

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